Corine Kiame
About Corine Kiame
IM Fndng groups IM Ventures, a $38M program funded under USAID Lebanon Investment Initiative (LII), and IM Capital, a $20M program funded under USAID MENA Investment Initiative (MENA-II). Both programs contribute to the development of the Lebanese entrepreneurial ecosystem by providing Matching Capital, Equity Guarantee and Technical Assistance to a broad spectrum of businesses ranging from seed stage to growth phase, as well as to investors in Lebanon. The BerytechBeat chats with Corine Kiame, Chief Investment Officer at IM Fndng. Corine walks us through her journey in finding her true passion for finance at a very young age, learning how to operate in crisis early in her career, and growing her insensitivity to numbers. She gives us valuable insights on IM Fndng’s quick response post-blast, resorting to unorthodox methods in raising investments during COVID and working on a dedicated program for funding solar energy.
Creator: Maya Rahal
Genre: Business، Interviews، Entrepreneur