Salim Badaoui
A Lebanese Writer, Poet, Journalist & ResearcherAbout Salim Badaoui
Salim Badaoui, a Lebanese writer, poet, researcher and journalist, born in 1958 in the capital Beirut, Lebanon. He immigrated to France in 1984 and currently lives between Paris and Brussels, where he serves as a permanent delegate to Monte Carlo international radio and to France 24 TV channel. He studied philosophy at the Lebanese University before specializing in the medieval history of the Arab and Islamic world, at the Sorbonne University. His debut poetic work "The Girl Of Poetry", is a Lebanese poetry diwan published in 1979, whereas his initial literary research was dedicated to Gibran Khalil Gibran and issued in a book entitled "Introduction To Gibran's Political Mind" by Libania Publications in 1983. His history studies led him to "Search For Kanaan Between Ismail And Israel" in an attempt to understand the roots of the Lebanese cause in its civilizational dimensions and geographical environment. His interest in the history of Lebanon yielded an in-depth search for "The formation of the Maronite identity between the seventh and the thirteenth centuries" where its essence resulted in the birth of his book "Patriarch Massoud", the story of Patriarch's Gabriel of Hjoula martyrdom by the Mamluks in 1367 (Dar Saer Al Mashreq), who won the Apostolic blessing of his Holiness Pope Francis. His journalistic follow up to European events since 2007 and his specialization in EU institutions' affairs, and Arab-European relations, have produced a book in the French language on the failure of the "Arab Spring" and Europe's responsibility for the collapse of the dream of democracy in the Arab countries. The book was released in the name of "Middle East Disaster": Le Désastre Du Moyen-Orient, l'Europe coupable ou complice? Edition Boîte à Pandore, Paris 2016. His professional concerns and his political and historical researches did not keep him away from the worries of the nation, therefore he wanted to narrate in his last published book "The Pine Neighborhood", tales of a district and its habitants that summarize the story of a nation that war changed its features (Al Hala for media and publishing 2018).
Salim Badaoui
Salim Badaoui, a Lebanese writer, poet, researcher and journalist, born in 1958 in the capital Beirut, Lebanon. He immigrated to France in 1984 and currently lives between Paris and Brussels, where he serves as a permanent delegate to Monte Carlo international radio and to France 24 TV channel. He studied philosophy at the Lebanese University before specializing in the medieval history of the Arab and Islamic world, at the Sorbonne University. His debut poetic work "The Girl Of Poetry", is a Lebanese poetry diwan published in 1979, whereas his initial literary research was dedicated to Gibran Khalil Gibran and issued in a book entitled "Introduction To Gibran's Political Mind" by Libania Publications in 1983. His history studies led him to "Search For Kanaan Between Ismail And Israel" in an attempt to understand the roots of the Lebanese cause in its civilizational dimensions and geographical environment. His interest in the history of Lebanon yielded an in-depth search for "The formation of the Maronite identity between the seventh and the thirteenth centuries" where its essence resulted in the birth of his book "Patriarch Massoud", the story of Patriarch's Gabriel of Hjoula martyrdom by the Mamluks in 1367 (Dar Saer Al Mashreq), who won the Apostolic blessing of his Holiness Pope Francis. His journalistic follow up to European events since 2007 and his specialization in EU institutions' affairs, and Arab-European relations, have produced a book in the French language on the failure of the "Arab Spring" and Europe's responsibility for the collapse of the dream of democracy in the Arab countries. The book was released in the name of "Middle East Disaster": Le Désastre Du Moyen-Orient, l'Europe coupable ou complice? Edition Boîte à Pandore, Paris 2016. His professional concerns and his political and historical researches did not keep him away from the worries of the nation, therefore he wanted to narrate in his last published book "The Pine Neighborhood", tales of a district and its habitants that summarize the story of a nation that war changed its features (Al Hala for media and publishing 2018).
Tagline: A Lebanese Writer, Poet, Journalist & Researcher