Decisions Make Destinies

by Ralph Younes

Wed, Jan 19, 2022

While Lebanon is enduring a severe economic depression, and sinking into one of the most severe crises amidst deliberate inaction and silence, Dr. Hady Safa, the Arab world’s renowned motivational speaker, takes us in his “Decisions Make Destinies” live seminar, on a self-reflection journey, discussing the importance of our decisions in shaping our whole life and destiny, in an ambience of a spectacular sound and lights setting that is a guaranteed energy booster and mind and feelings stimulator. In a grey world, sharp decisions are important, but what if they are hasty? Isn’t it the time to start making the right choices?  “In every aspect of our lives, the decisions we make shape a whole destiny for us later, from the smallest choice we make, the tiniest shot, to the biggest decision, a whole destiny begins with them”, says Dr. Safa. Start this year making the right decisions, change the way you perceive everything around you, revisit your values, your beliefs, and take yourself on a journey of self-reflection on Wednesday, January 19, 2022 at Al Madina Theater, Beirut, from 6 pm to 9 pm.