تنمية ذاتية،
علم نفس
الميزان ليس صديقك
في الحلقة الاولى من "لا لست اميرة" أناقش فكرة العلاقة الغير صحية بين الجسد والميزان... الهدف هنا هو بخلق عادات صحية جيدة تبدأ بحب الذات.
09min 40sec
أنا بكره جسمي
هذه الحلقة تعالج مشكلة الكره الذاتي للجسم، تقييم هذا الكره وأسبابه وحلول للحد منه.
08min 35sec
شعور المرأة بالذنب
تشعر المرأة بالذنب في عدة مواقف معظمها لا يمت للواقع بصلة بل هي أكتر إسقاطات مجتمعية بنينا عليها قيم مزيفة حان الوقت لنناقشها.
09min 20sec
Creating Habits That Stick
In this episode we talk about how to develop routines into habits, how to replace negative habits with better ones, and mistakes to avoid when adopting new habits.
25min 37sec
Stress Triggers For Women
In this episode we discuss scientifically proven stress triggers that affect women and little things we can do to reduce their impact.
11min 39sec
Why Should I Strength Train
Strength training for women is essential; in this episode of “No you’re not a princess” we discuss them and include corrections to many misconceptions we may have.
10min 52sec
Body Weight Vs Body Composition
In this episode we explain the importance of women tracking their body fat and not their body weight.
13min 56sec
Emotional Vampires
In this episode we discuss different types of emotional vampires and how to protect your energy from them.
17min 35sec
Vision Boards For Goal Manifestation
Visualization is a key to make goals a reality; in this episode we discuss a tool for visible goal setting: Vision boards.
15min 25sec
Find Your Passion
This episode walks you through effective questioning which helps you discover your true passion.
13min 14sec
Growth Mindset Vs Fixed Mindset
The importance of adopting a growth mindset vs a fixed mindset, and how to direct your thought process towards it.
12min 32sec
Constructive Criticism Vs Destructive Criticism
What is constructive critisism and why should we focus on learning how to shift our thinking towards it.
11min 02sec
Super Mom Syndrome
The super mom syndrome, what is it? and how we can avoid falling into its trap.